Centering thought for today is:
"Today I am open to the presence of miracles."


"Miracles are described as extremely rare, extraordinary events that defy the acts of nature... I believe that miracles happen everyday... here, in our own lives..."

I have always told myself that I believe in the mundane miracles of life. What I mean by that is, there are ordinary things we do, we say or that we experience in our day to day lives, that are truly not ordinary at all. Things like saying "How are you?" and answering "Good, and you?" seem very ordinary. I say this and get asked this on a daily basis and it has now become part of my life in such a way that it no longer has meaning. That is because we choose to detach the meaning from the "ordinary" thing, when in reality, it's a miracle. When I think of what it means to have someone ask me how I'm doing, it really is a act of love they are giving me. They are sending their loving energy to me by showing they care. That is nothing to disregard, but rather to appreciate.

"When we pay attention, we begin to notice the miracles in our lives..."

I do still believe in mundane miracles, like the fact that we live in a world where we can go anywhere we want, we can eat a variety of foods, dance, sing, watch the birds fly and the oceans lap at our feet... The sun comes up daily and goes down to cue the magnificent moon to shine on us. We experience life, right now. We learn from it, we grow, we strengthen, we struggle...but we live.

I think the mundane "ordinary" life mentality is just that, a mental grouping of thoughts. Thoughts we can change. And as I get older and as the stresses of life (bills, work, pressures from others, etc..) continue to tug at me, I can choose to remember just how miraculous this mundane life really is. 

"Invite yourself to trust that your meditation experience today, and each day, will be exactly right in the moment."

The statement above was a big "ah-ha" realization for me. I am one who attempts perfection at all times, in all I do. It's one of the themes of my personality that I've held onto since I was young, drilled into my brain at an early age. The notion that perfection is what we should aim for is ridiculous! Life is far from perfect, and perfection in my "true mind" doesn't even exist. I know this because the idea of perfection boils down to one's perspective of what perfection looks like, and we all know there are many forms of perspectives. Who's to say one is better than another?

When it comes to making meditation a habit, I've struggled with doing it "right." I think that's the reason I've never been able to make meditation stick in my daily life, a goal I've wanted for a long time. 

It feels amazing to center myself through meditation. To feel grounded and back in my truth. Obviously if I've felt these effects before I must've been doing something "right," right? So now I'm onto a new perspective. My "perfect" is going to be whatever I feel that day, at that moment. 

I must TRUST in my ability and know I'm doing all I can, with the given day, moment and time of my life. 
